Post your problem or solve a community problem in 1 easy step
Remove any friction between community members in need & those with help to give
Aimed at maximizing community value over maximizing RisingTide profits
Be The Rising Tide In Your Community & Pay-It-Forward! Rising Tide aims to enable anyone to ask for a helping hand when they are struggling to stay afloat; this allows for Rising Tides who want stronger communities to help out knowing that person will Pay-It- Forward in the future! Invite your friends, invite your family, invite the Rising Tides in your community!
We want to build a platform that enables strong community bonds to form & allows for an easy way to either post a liquidity problem or help make someone’s day. You never know what that person could be going through when they ask for a helping hand.
Please provide your feedback on how we can help you feel comfortable if you are a “Boat” or enable you to help your community if you are a “Rising Tide”!